Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church in Fayetteville, Arkansas!
Do you want to become Catholic? Or, are you a baptized Catholic in need of the sacraments of Confirmation and/or Eucharist? Then, we invite you to start the process to inquire into the Catholic faith or receive your sacraments by scheduling an initial interview in English or Spanish. Starting the process does not require a commitment to become Catholic. It just opens the door.
English: Carrie Montemayor, Coordinator of English Adult Faith Formation, 479-442-0890 ext. 244 or cmontemayor@sjfay.com.
Spanish: Maria Vazquez, Director of Faith Formation, 479-442-0890 ext. 150 or mvazquez@sjfay.com
Watch Convinced: Why Would Anyone Become Catholic?
If you aren't sure where to start, join us for The Vine Scripture Reflections on Sundays, 10:15am-11:15am, downstairs in room 152. Perfect for all, whether interested in becoming Catholic, returning to Catholicism, or Catholic and looking for a starting place. Any and all who are seeking to grow in faith and LOVE of the Lord are welcome. We are the branches, let's connect to the true VINE, Jesus Christ our Lord and savior, through reflections in His Word. No sign up or commitment needed, just stop in and join us.
Watch this Introduction video to Catholic Liturgy.
Bienvenidos a la Iglesia Católica de San José en Fayetteville, Arkansas.
¿Deseas convertirte al catolicismo? ¿O eres un católico bautizado que necesita los sacramentos de la Confirmación y/o la Eucaristía? Entonces, te invitamos a comenzar el proceso para indagar sobre la fe católica o recibir tus sacramentos programando una entrevista inicial en inglés o español. Iniciar el proceso no requiere un compromiso para convertirse al catolicismo. Simplemente abre la puerta.
En inglés: Carrie Montemayor, Coordinadora de Formación en la Fe para Adultos en inglés, al 479-442-0890 ext. 244 o cmontemayor@sjfay.com.
En español: María Vázquez, Directora de Formación en la Fe, al 479-442-0890 ext. 150 o mvazquez@sjfay.com.
Las clases se llevan a cabo desde septiembre hasta la Pascua.